Fighting for
Hurricane Laura & Delta Victims
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Fighting for
Hurricane Laura & Delta Victims
Get answers to your questions 24/7
Hurricane Damage Claims In South Texas and Surrounding Areas
Don’t be LOW-BALLED by Insurance Companies
Hurricane Laura & Delta ripped through South Texas and Lousianna, leaving heavy damage in its path. Rebuilding will take time and tremendous effort, and we believe insurance companies should assist in this process – not slow it down or make it more difficult. Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC will put our vast experience and resources to work for you, increasing the likelihood that your claim will be paid out in a timely and fair manner.
David Anderson handles our insurance claim cases. If you have are a victim of hurricane Laura and your insurance company is giving you the run around, David is the guy you need to talk to, immediately. Text David Anderson today and see if your insuranc ecompany is treating you properly at 361-980-6150.

Frequently Asked Questions
My Home Was Damaged the Hurricane. Now What?
Depending on the kind of damage your home has and where you live, you may need to file more than one insurance claim. Contact our office for legal advice and to get started.
Are There Timelines For Filing A Claim?
Yes, there are timelines for filing a claim- depending on your insurance policy. We walk you through the process, including deadlines and what to do if you disagree with your insurance company’s estimate. Time is of the essence in these situations, so call us today!
What's The Different Between A Notice Of Loss And A Proof Of Loss?
Your Notice of Loss lets your insurance provider know that there has been loss in at least some degree. The Proof of Loss document must be filed within 60 days of your Notice of Loss, and is the documented account of exactly how much has been damaged. You and your legal staff are tasked with cataloging each and every item damaged or lost, and assigning a monetary value to fair compensation.
Hear Mr. David Anderson’s Recent Interview at Insurance Law
An Introduction to David
Business Owner Challenges
Damage Mitigation
I Weathered The Storm
What happens next?
Above all, we are glad that you are safe. The devestation caused by the hurricane can be overwhelming and it’s hard to know what to do next. We are here to help guide you through the steps of properly and effectively claiming what you are due by your insurance company. In your free consultation with our firm, we will get a feel for the damages you’ve suffered, devise a strategy for approaching your insurance provider, and begin a rigorous battle toward the recovery of your losses and re-stabilizing of your lives.
It’s time to protect your family from fraudulent insurance company tactics. When you’re ready, please reach out to our team. Call 361-980-6150 or fill out the form below to get started today.
I Weathered The Storm
What happens next?
Above all, we are glad that you are safe. The devestation caused by the hurricane can be overwhelming and it’s hard to know what to do next. We are here to help guide you through the steps of properly and effectively claiming what you are due by your insurance company. In your free consultation with our firm, we will get a feel for the damages you’ve suffered, devise a strategy for approaching your insurance provider, and begin a rigorous battle toward the recovery of your losses and re-stabilizing of your lives.
It’s time to protect your family from fraudulent insurance company tactics. When you’re ready, please reach out to our team. Call 361-980-6150 or fill out the form below to get started today.
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Call 361-980-6150 or fill out the form below for a free consultation.
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